March 2nd, March 16th, & March 30th- Pitching Clinic with L3 Fastpitch
To Register: Clinic Registration
Where: NARC, North Amherst Recreation Center, 4415 Millersport Highway, Amherst
Cost: $15
Time: 12-1:30PM
*Highly Encouraged to attend ALL three pitching sessions, as each session builds upon one another.
Player Evaluations:
Who: Mandatory for AAA & Majors, (plus any child looking to age up in a division)
Where: NARC, North Amherst Recreation Center
Time: Use the sign up link below to select a time slot, every time slot is 15 minutes increments between 12pm-2pm.
What do you need: Glove, athletic clothes, sneakers, face mask (*if you have your own bat/helmet, bring it with you.)
NOTE: Each child will be there for approximately 20-25 minutes. Pitchers will need to stay to warm up and get evaluated. It is recommended that you have your own catcher, not required.